Team Flower Workshop
AT HOME Edition
The ability to operate a business from home will be paramount in the days ahead.
At the end of this online workshop, you will be equipped with the foundational business and design skills you need to start or streamline a floral design business that can be run from home (or homes if you have a team). You’ll also have fresh inspiration, business clarity, and a new crew of flower friends who are doing it too.
Date: July 10-12, 2020
Fee: $1,800 | $2,200
*All Supplies Included
Pre Workshop:
A special box of hard-goods will arrive in the mail from Team Flower HQ, along with all the fresh products you will need to practice and create a stunning portfolio.
Introductory video lessons to give you a head-start if you’d like one. This workshop is 100% beginner friendly.
Live Workshop:
We’ll run live through an online platform from roughly 10 a.m. EST - 5 p.m. EST with breaks as needed.
You can access the lessons for an entire year after the course if you need them.
Business Clarity
Need-driven Marketing
Product Development
Online Retail Offerings
Interactive Online Proposals for Custom Projects
Asking for the Sale
Customer Relationship Management Systems
Supplementary Revenue Streams for Year-Round Income
DAY 2: Business & Design
Scaling Your Business
Construction Techniques with Interactive Demonstrations
Mechanics for Magical Boutonnieres, Corsages, Crowns & Wearables
Stunning Sculptural, Cascading and Tailored Bouquet Techniques
Centerpieces that sing
Installation Mechanics Presentation
Foundations of European, Oriental & Modern American Design
Elements and Principles of Design
One-on-One Portfolio Planning
Personalized Technique Recommendations based on your Individualized Needs
Personal Portfolio Building with One-on-One Coaching
Group meetups will take place the three days following the workshop if you would like to join. This is an opportunity to connect, ask questions and debrief with your new floral community after you’ve had some time to reflect and practice individually.