Foundations for Growing Cut Flowers

You can start and run a flower farm—yes, you!
You’ve been wanting to start flower farming—to grow floral product for your own arrangements and serve your community through growing and selling cut flowers.
It seems like a faraway dream, but not so with this Foundations in Growing Cut Flowers class!
(No floriculture degree needed!)
In this online class for growing cut flowers, you’ll gain the knowledge to start your cut flower garden, producing gorgeous blooms to sell or design with, even if you have a small space.
Learn how to start flower farming with experienced instruction from someone who’s been growing for over 30 years: Kathleen Murphy, owner of Primrose Hill Flower Company and expert flower farmer and floral designer.
dreaming of growing your own flowers for cutting and use in floral design?
You don’t need a green thumb or a floriculture degree to make this dream happen—you need solid and tested principles to get you growing in the right direction!
To successfully grow flowers from seed, you can't follow the disjointed advice you'll find on the back of seed trays, packets, and a blog posts.
You need to start with a holistic approach, a system that considers the foundational needs of plants—and better yet, learn from someone who has been through the cycle many times and can help you troubleshoot.
If you’re ready to go to work and get your hands dirty, you’re in the right place!
Receive Complete, Streamlined Information to Successfully Grow Cut Flowers
In this online class, you’ll get:
6+ hours of organized, professionally produced video instruction (with the ability to go back and view the course content over and over again—forever!)
Easy, on-demand access on all your devices (computer, tablet, and phone)
Access to the instructor via the Team Flower Community so you can ask questions
Additional digital class materials specific to the class, including helpful spreadsheets, notes, and lists
Step-by-step, easy-to-implement teaching that can help you see results immediately
Lifetime membership with the Team Flower Community, an exciting place to learn, grow, and get feedback from other flower pros
ready to start your growing journey on A sTRONG FOUNDATion?
Let's Dive In!

In This Online Flower Farming Class, You’ll Cover the Following:
In addition to 6+ hours of video instruction, you’ll receive the following tools:
A massive cut flower growing resource that includes over 150 flower varieties, including the essentials for growing and sourcing their seeds
Full growing toolkit list (with sources!) so you can see what supplies are needed to get started and how much it costs
Post-harvest checklist—one you can post in your flower processing area for helpers
Scalable garden layouts for decorative and utilitarian landscapes
What to expect at each phase of the growing year; that way, you can wisely build out your flower planting calendar!
Does This Cut Flower Garden Class Apply to Your Growing Zone or Region?
This class was created with our worldwide members in mind, and the content is applicable in any zone.
It’s filled with foundational principles for seed germination and planting that will apply throughout the world—whether you’re growing a small garden or starting a cut flower farm for full production.
If you have a specific zone-related question, ask while watching the class!
Who Is This Class For?
This online Flower Farming class is for you if:
You’re a beginner grower or have tried growing cut flowers before but haven't been successful yet
You’re looking to start a career in growing flowers to sell or you desire to have high-quality flowers in the garden to enjoy
You’ve been an experienced florist for some time—but now you’d like to grow your own cut flowers for floral design or diversify your revenue streams
You want comprehensive floral design education you can access again and again and again—all for less than the price of a one-time weekend workshop!
Picture This:
You're standing among strong plants of all shapes and sizes that you've nurtured from seed. In a few weeks, you'll plant them in the soil you've properly amended—and soon you'll be holding bundles of blooms like other growers you see on Instagram.
Just over a year ago, growing your own vibrant cut flower garden or farm seemed like a far-off dream. You always wanted to grow flowers to sell. And once you got the essentials you needed in the Foundations for Growing Cut Flowers class by Team flower, you were able to move forward confidently. Now you're experiencing the magic of growing your own flowers!
Just Imagine:
You've tried growing blooms for your own floral design work before, but your efforts didn’t turn out how you had hoped. You believed it was because you didn’t have a green thumb, but then you realized that’s a myth!
Anyone can grow quality plants from seed with the right foundations. Once you took the Foundations for Growing Cut Flowers class, you were reenergized and ready to go, equipped with the understanding needed to grow healthy plants year after year. Your bouquets have never been more beautiful—or more crisp and fresh!
How much does this class cost?
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14-day money-back guarantee included
Your Access never expires
☝🏻(8-month payment plan)☝🏻
☝🏻(Save $ with one payment)☝🏻
At Team Flower, we believe in producing the highest quality educational content for floral professionals, and we’re proud to offer in-person workshops and events in addition to our online professional training classes. Flower pros across the world have joined our membership community, and our members have joined our online classes over thousands of times worldwide!
We believe in the quality of our floral design education so much that if you’re disappointed in your online class in any way, no hard feelings! Reach out within 14 days of purchase and we'll refund your money, no questions asked.
You Won’t be left learning on your own.
By joining a class, you become an official Team Flower Member with lifetime access to the Team Flower Community!
As a member, you’ll get:
Access to floral professionals from all over the world (over 30 countries and all 50 U.S. states represented!)
A safe place to ask questions, get feedback, and more
Exclusive floral industry discounts just for being a Team Flower Member
Fast, friendly support from the Team Flower Staff
Listing in the Team Flower Members Directory
Official Team Flower handwritten postcard via snail mail welcoming you personally to the community!
Access to our existing database of conversation topics (1,800+ and growing!) to find solid advice to help you grow on your flower journey
Want to learn more about what you get when you join our Community? Check out the details here!
Nervous About Joining the cut Flower Growing Class?
there's no risk.
If you feel we didn't deliver as promised, you don't connect with the instructor, or online learning isn't for you, no hard feelings.
Reach out within 14 days of purchase and we'll refund your money!
An experienced cut flower grower will be with you along the way!
IF YOU HAVE A CLARIFYING QUESTION OR Need to troubleshoot, just Comment while you're watching.
Want to know a little more About kathleen?
Meet Kathleen Murphy, proprietor of Primrose Hill Flower Company. Kathleen has been a professional gardener for over 30 years and has operated a garden nursery specializing in heirloom annuals and perennials since 1994. Kathleen is truly an expert in her field, and we are so pleased to welcome her at Team Flower!
Also, Kathleen will help to answer your class questions! If you have a clarifying question, just comment while you’re going through the class and Kathleen will be in touch.
Kathleen profile image: Heather Payne Photography